Aurel Buculei

Professional Certified Coach, PCM trainer și IT manager.

Cred în coaching și în puterea lui de a produce o transformare de perspectivă pentru client.

Am peste 12 ani experiență în coaching și peste 20 de ani de experiență managerială și consultanță in sistemul bancar și IT.

Am descoperit coachingul încercând să descoper arta managementului și încercând să descoper cu adevărat oamenii din jurul meu.

Peste 20 de ani de experiență în consultanță, banking și IT.

Am mii de ore de coaching, training, studii, supervizări, mentoring și certificări în profile psihologice cu unii din cei mai buni profesioniști din lume. Dacă vrei să lucrezi cu profesioniști, trebuie ca tu să fii un profesionist. E vorba de respect. Sunt certificat internațional din 2015 (ACC – Associate Certified Coach - ICF) și din anul 2023 am devenit Professional Certified Coach (PCC), una din cele mai importante certificări obținute de la Federația Internațională de Coaching.

Cred în excelență, în educație, în dezvoltare. Orice schimbare începe cu o decizie sau o revelație urmată de un plan. Coachingul lasă decizia, puterea, responsabilitatea și soluția clientului. Aceasta este frumusețea și magia coachingului. Este plin de Aha-uri și momente delicate. Oamenii se compară în permanență cu alții, urcă dealurile altora, în timp ce ei au potențialul de a esclada pe Everest. Prin coaching, sunt alături de clienți să-și descopere propriul Everest și să îl cucerească. Pănă la urmă nu este vorba de muntele ce trebuie cucerit, ci despre ei. Limitele auto-impuse, barierele mentale, tiparele de gândire pot fi observate în întâlnirile de coaching.

Sunt un Coach: un partener de dialog. Dacă cineva crede că va cuceri Everetul, îl va cuceri. Eu îI voi acompania câțiva pași pănă va înțelege cum să îl cucerească singur. El are drumul său unic către propriul Everest.

Despre mine

Sunt coach, manager, mentor și trainer

About Me

I'm coach, mentor, trainer and manager. I have more than 20 years’ experience in consulting, banking, and IT. I have moved from an IT specialist to management, team development, people management, coach and trainer.

Ce spun clienții mei:

"Aurel is the type of person you are lucky to meet in your life. He is a genuine warm soul, who is handling your thoughts, fears and concerns like rough diamonds, while gently showing you it's ok to have them all, since these are the ones helping you grow as a person and professional. You suddenly feel safe, understood and supported like you've maybe never experienced before in your professional life. Thank you for everything, Aurel! Your coaching style and simple way of being, makes the world a better place."

Alina Oancea Mosneag -Global HR Operations Manager

"Under Aurel coaching process I was able to improve myself on my daily performance and also on some aspects of my soft skills. I believe we both enjoyed our coaching sessions that really impacted my life. I emphatically recommend Aurel mainly for those who are skeptical about the coaching benefits."

Pedro Correia - Director Redshift

Our collaboration has challenged me a lot and helped me to become aware of my inner strenghts. When it all started I had no idea how a coaching session looks like and I was really put outside of my confort zone. Turns out this is one of the best things that happened to me. Aurel adapted his technics to my background and helped me realise I can achive whatever I have in my mind. I strongly recomend him as a coach and even more than a coach! Thanks, Aurel!

Andrei Birsan - DevOps / Infrastructure Engineer with Azure

I was impressed by Aurel's listening skills. I liked that Aurel had great attention to detail, a pragmatic approach, and was very technical. I also liked that he used everything that came up in our sessions as an opportunity and not as an interruption. Every time I got lost or stuck, I felt that he would bring me back on track with positive questions. I felt motivated, calm, and brave in our coaching sessions. His positive attitude made me feel confident. I also felt seen and understood. It was a very pleasant experience and a useful one to which I am very grateful. I left every session with a solution or a plan. I even felt so inspired that I am thinking of enrolling in a coaching course myself. I already recommended Aurel to a couple of my friends and I will definitely recommend him to whoever is interested in a coaching program!

Andra Pravai - Software Development Engineer at Adobe