About Process Communication Model and Coaching
3/27/20242 min read

One of the most important things in coaching is about needs. All of us have needs and many times we confuse them with our desires. Psychological needs are deeper, are connected with our childhood, and drive our actions. Unmet needs (which are unique for every individual) are a theme in coaching conversations if the coach learns to see beneath the surface of the initial topic.
When I discovered PCM (Professional Communication Model) I saw the value for coaching, management, and parenting. I decided to become a PCM trainer.
Probably is one of my needs to learn and go deeper: to understand.
Process Communication Model is from my experience one of the best psychological instruments to understand human needs. It was used by NASA for more than 20 years. Bill Clinton used it in his presidential election and is one of the reasons he succeeded in winning.
At a high level, depending of our personality type our positive psychological needs are:
Thinker - recognition of productive work and time structure
Persister -recognition for principled work (need to be recognized for their dedication to relevant and meaningful work ) and convictions
Harmonizer -recognition of person (need to experience being accepted unconditionally)
Imaginer - solitude (need time and space alone)
Rebel -contact (they are energized by kinesthetic movement, real or imagined)
Promoter - incidence (requires a great deal of excitement in a short period of time).
One of the most important things PCM offers is to take care of ourselves. Positively satisfying Psychological Needs is everyone's responsibility. We have the power to do it.
Before we can deal effectively with others, we must first get our Psychological Needs met.
The process could be long and need time and energy to invest in yourself. In coaching these needs are discovered in a partnership with a coach. The coach lights something that the client doesn’t see alone.
If you can discover and understand your needs everything is starting to change: the energy, the time for others, the acceptance of ourselves and others, we are fully conscious and we are aligned with who we are, what we say, and what we do. Our life is more meaningful.
But coaching is not a promise: it’s a meeting between a client who looks inside him and a coach prepared to be a partner. A coach who has life experience, a coach who has years of learning and training (coaching schools, mentoring, supervisions, and thousands of hours with clients). To be a coach is a profession and needs time to be masterful. To be a masterful coach is a sign of respect for the client.
If you want to discover the Process Communication Model in a 2-day training (you received a detailed psychological report) or you want to experiment with coaching with an International Certified Coach, please contact me.